Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects Dairy Cow Breeding Project (Htonebo) and Marble Mine and Processing Plant (Mandalay)

Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects Dairy Cow Breeding Project (Htonebo) and Marble Mine and Processing Plant (Mandalay)

Nay Pyi Taw January 22

Chairman of State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, accompanied by the entourage, the chief minister of Mandalay Region, the commander of the Central Command and official, inspected the Dairy Cow Breeding Project (Hto-nebo) and Marble Mine and Processing Plant (Mandalay) this afternoon.

First, the Senior General and party arrived at the briefing hall of the project and heard reports on livestock breeding tasks, measures taken for feeding green feed by using the hydroponic Fodder, distribution of milk from the farm and future tasks presented by a responsible official. After hearing the reports, the Senior General said that the objective of the livestock breeding farm is to enable personnel of local battalions and residents to consume meat and fish sufficiently at cheaper prices without seeking profits and it is necessary to place emphasis on welfare of the people. Mandalay has a population of about 1.5 million and it is important to help fulfill the demand of milk, dairy products and meat. It is vital to distribute high quality milk and meat at cheaper prices. Efforts must be made to reduce the imports of dairy products by manufacturing enough products to fulfill the demand.

It is necessary to raise dairy cows systematically by consulting with subject wise experts on relations between feed, growth and milk production and to effectively utilize the infrastructure provided innovatively to achieve success. Feeding sufficient food and water and raising dairy cows cleanly and healthily can lead to higher milk pro-duction. It is important to use electricity systematically and effectively. Efforts must be made to generate electricity by using solar systems and LED lights.

In conclusion, the Senior General urged responsible officials to fulfill the demand of milk and meat by exerting efforts innovatively to achieve success in the project tasks. Then, the Senior General and party inspected the implementation tasks in the project site and gave necessary instructions. Then, the Senior General and party arrived at the Marble Mine and Processing Factory (Mandalay) and inspected the production of Marble slabs and stone inscriptions to be erected in the precinct of the Mahavijaya Lawkamarazain to be built in Nay Pyi Taw and heat resistant marble tiles to be laid in the precincts of the Maha Myat Muni and Kuthodaw pagodas in Mandalay and the carving of Buddha images by using CNC Machines. Chairman of Myanmar Economic Corporation Lt Gen Nyo Saw and officials from the plant conducted round the Senior General and party in the plant. After hearing reports, the Senior General gave necessary instructions and presented cash rewards for factory staff.