Tasks for renovating and upgrading lighting system at Shwedagon Pagoda targeted to be completed in December

Tasks for renovating and upgrading lighting system at Shwedagon Pagoda targeted to be completed in December

    The tasks for renovating and  upgrading the system of offering electric ights to the Shwe-dagon Pagoda are targeted to be completed in December, ccording to the Treasury Bo-ard of Trustees of the Pagoda.

 According to U Boe Thin, member of the board, the task began in April this year. It is planned to install advanced LED light posts in replace of the revious lights at the pa-goda, and there will also be more lights than before. For more lighting, the previous 15metre light posts will be sub-stituted  with  25-metre  light posts with LEDs at the pagoda, which will save about one third  of  lectricity  consumption.

 Moreover, there is a plan to substitute the current electric lights with owerful LED light bulbs, chandeliers, lamp shades and light posts at other places of he pagoda and install new ones.

 The tasks being carried out with the funds donated by the people of is rgeted to be completed in the first week of December.

Hsaung Oo