State Administration Council Vice Chairman goes on study tour of natural gas and waste heat power plant project in Kyaukphyu

State Administration Council Vice Chairman goes on study tour of natural gas and waste heat power plant project in Kyaukphyu


State Administration Council Vice Chairman Deputy Commander- in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice- Senior General Soe Win, accompanied by SAC members Daw Aye Nu Sein and U Shwe Kyein, Chief Minister of Rakhine State Dr Aung Kyaw Min, senior military officers of the office of the Commanderin- Chief, the commander of Western Command and deputy ministers,  visited Kyaukpyu and inspected the natural gas and waste heat power plant project under implementation there.

The in-charge and the deputy general manager of the project briefed the Vice-Senior General and party on the implementation progress of the project with the aid of power point.

When it comes into operation,the plant will generate 135 mw. The Vice-Senior General gave suggestions on measures to be taken to safeguard the natural environment and contribute to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) tasks related to the health and education of local people and on timely implementation of the project in accordance with the required standards.

Then, the Vice-Senior General looked around the constructions sites of the project.The power plant is going to be the first of its  kind in Myanmar and it will generate electricity by using the highly efficient SGT-800 Gas Turbine manufactured in Germany. During the 25-year period of operation, engineers from EPGE will be assigned and technology on operation and maintenance will be transferred.

Afterwards, the Vice-Senior General and party visited the People’s  Hospital in Kyaukphyu and met the medical superintedent and staff, heard reports and gave suggestions on them.

Finally, the Vice-Senior General and party went to Kyaukphyu Education Degree College and met responsible personnel of the  college, had a discussion on administrative matters, provided suggestions on reports and fulfilled the requirements.