MWD honours service personnel defending Ukayithta outpost against enemies relentlessly


Illegal media launched a propaganda campaign by spreading various fake news reports suggesting Ukayithta outpost has fallen to combined groups of terrorists called the PDF and the KNLA and a large number of officers and other ranks fell and arms and ammunition were seized via social media pages and online.

Despite being outnumbered by enemies, service personnel at Ukayithta outpost, with the spirit of never giving up, managed to repel repeated offensives of the combined groups of the KNLA and terrorists who rely on foreign countries called the PDF successfully from 26 to 30 June with effective artillery and air supports. This evening, reinforcement columns managed to join the troops at the outpost in spite of limits posed by weather and terrain and are conducting security operations in the surrounding areas.

It can also be seen that they are appealing in a woeful manner for more donations every day via illegal media as some groups of foreign-lackey KNLA and the terrorist groups suffered heavy causalities during the engagement in Ukayithta area.

Staff members of Myawady Television broadcast the news in great honour of service personnel who has defended Ukayithta outpost relentlessly with the spirit of never giving up , those who provided uninterrupted artillery and air supports, those who reinforced personnel at the outpost in a timely manner out of the spirit of camaraderie for their efforts to defend the national flag of the Republic of the Union Myanmar in the outpost from falling or damaging out of the noble spirit of those who are brave never die.

We, staff members of the MWD TV, expressed gratitude for all the efforts.