Vice-Senior General Soe Win presents four kinds of rations for retired police members of Mandalay District, meets officers, other ranks and families of Mandalay Station 

Vice-Senior General Soe Win presents four kinds of rations for retired police members of Mandalay District, meets officers, other ranks and 
families of Mandalay Station 

Nay Pyi Taw October 16 

Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win met retired police members of Mandalay District at gymnasium of the Central Command Headquarters this afternoon and provided four kinds of rations – rice, cooking oil, salt and gram. 
Also present on the occasion together with the Vice-Senior General were senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), Commander of Central Command Brig-Gen Ko Ko Oo, Commander of Mandalay Region Police Force Police Brig-Gen Sein Lwin and met retired police members of Mandalay District. 

In his speech delivered in connection with the provision of four kinds of rations, the Vice-Senior General said retired police members are the persons who had dutifully served the national duties. In addition, the Tatmadaw members and the police members are brotherhood of bonded armed organizations. So, food provisions were made from the reserve rations of Tatmadaw members and families as a means to solve the retired police members’ food problems during the time COVID-19 infection occurs. They should observe the COVID-19 prevention rules. Although they are retired police members they should join hands in dealing with the emergencies of the State to the most possible degree. Then, the Vice-Senior General presented a 14-day supply of four ration items for 41 retired police members of Mandalay District through a retired police member. 

Afterward, the Vice-Senior General and party met with officers, other ranks and families from Mandalay Station at Yan Aung Myin Hall of the command headquarters and the Vice-Senior General delivered a speech. 

In his speech, the Vice-Senior General discussed the rising number of COVID-19 cases day by day, loose compliance with public restrictions, prevention of COVID-19 for families and communities by strictly observing restrictions individually, arrangements for re-served rations and assorted kitchen utensils to fulfill the nutritional needs as a requirement for physical health, measures to understand the notifications of the Union Election Commission for valid votes in the general election on 8 November, and casting votes correctly for candidates who can serve the country, nationality, language and religious belief. 

Then, the Vice-Senior General and party presented foodstuffs, books on literature and knowledge and sport equipment for officers, other ranks and families in Mandalay Station to the commander and officials.