Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets MSME entrepreneurs of Pyay District
NAY PYI TAW October 4
Chairman of State Admini-stration Council Prime Mini-ster Senior General Min Aung Hlaing met MSME entrepreneurs in Pyay District, Bago Region, at Thirikhittaya Yada-nabon Town Hall in Pyay this morning and held discussions on economic development.
Also present at the meeting together with the Senior General were SAC Joint Secretary Lt-Gen Ye Win Oo, Union mini-sters U Win Shein, Dr Kan Zaw,U Ko Ko, U Tin Htut Oo, U Hla Moe, Dr Charlie Than, U Aung Naing Oo, Bago Region Chief Minister U Myo Swe Win, Chief of General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) General Maung Maung Aye, senior military officers from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief, the Southern Command commander, officials, members of region government, mem-bers of MSMEs in the district.
Individual discussions on economic progress First, the region chief minister reported on MSMEs in Bago Region, production busi-nesses and services, loan pro-visions for MSMEs, sector-wise trainings, efforts to produce value-added goods through the use of modern machinery, market promotion programs.
Vice chairman of Pyay Dis-trict Input Entrepreneurs Association U Min Min Tun, Chair-man of District Rice Millers U Zaw Htet Paing and MSME members U Lin Aung Dway, Dr Nay Lin Aung, U Ye Lin Oo and other attendees reported on distribution of agro inputs, the need to supply chemical fertilizers that is the main agro input at reasonable prices, di-stribution of rice at fair prices, the importance of soft agricul-ture loans, difficulties the area, which has the ancient cultural zone, faced in tourism business during the period COVID-19 infection was high, resurgence of tourism business when the infection rate fell, State’s assi-stance and relaxations for tourism development, erection of visible direction signboards in both Myanmar and English in significant places, extension of loan repayment period for MSME that faces hardships due to COVID-19, provision of capital for investments, edible oil industry and breeding business based on byproducts, modern equipment and tech-nology for improving the oil quality, appreciation of the States encouragement for edible oil industry development, further assistance for industr-ies, availability of fuel at fair prices, State’s supply of raw materials and related equipment for steel mills at reasonable prices, technology for producing quality steel, and raw materials for blacksmith in-dustry that is facing difficulties.
Response for individual dis-cussions In response to individual dis-cussions, the Senior General said the government supports tourism. Pyay has an ancient cultural zone and many famous pagodas. Rail transport has been upgraded. The goal is to run electric trains in the future to support tourism. Collec-tive efforts are required for the cleanness and pleasantness of the area. A pleasant environ-ment must be created and facilities must be developed systematically to create accom-modations and relaxation centres for global tourists. Local people must attract domestic and foreign tourists with more delicious and healthy dishes. Region-wise Russia-Myanmar friendship associations must be formed for tourists from Russia to visit Myanmar. The related ministries must systematically upgrade the direction signboards. Loan payment period will be extended and more financial assistance will be provided.
With regard to cultivation of crops, it is necessary to choose quality strains, prepare the soils in a systematic manner, take adequate volume of natural and chemical fertilizers, and collect the water for successful thriving and apply correct agri-cultural techniques. As now is implementing the market economy, encouragement is being given to private busines-ses. The government provides assistance to the farmers of agricultural farms, and those growers need to cultivate the crops systematically. They have to make efforts for gaining the quality seeds of crops and acquire modern machinery to be able to meeting the cent per cent qualification. Production of quality cooking oil needs modern machinery. So, the State provides assistance to oil dealers.
Fuel is imported and the government is trying to sell fuel to the people at fair prices. In the future, some prospects are seen to buy fuel at fair prices. Fuel is used at agriculture and industries. The government is striving for electrifying the industries. So, the deposits of natural gas have been found and it will be explored in coming three years. Action plans are being implemented for public transport system. Businessper-sons have been allowed to extract mineral deposits to produce iron. Relevant ministries need to share techniques with businesspersons to produce quality iron. It is necessary to seek ways and means for taking raw materials to produce sculptures.
Response of Union ministers to relevant sectors With regard to individual reports, Union ministers U Win Shein, Dr Kan Zaw, U Tin Htut Oo, U Hla Moe, Dr Charlie Than and U Aung Naing Oo explained progress of implementing the projects, State’s plans to ease some re-strictions related to COVID-19 loans, efforts to deliver capitals but the State has disbursed a large sum of the loan with the aim of developing the State economy, borrowers to pay back the debt to the State, needs of businesspersons for ensuring proper development of economy in order to be good monetary circulation of the State, following the prescribed economic policies for develop-ment of economy, opening of offices in relevant areas so as to enable the State and the people to have easy access to local and foreign investments, undertaking of contract farming system for avoiding hike prices of goods and distribut-ion of quality inputs, import of inputs for cultivation at fair prices and production of biofer-tilizers at home, production of quality strains based on re-search works to distribute them to businesspersons, invitation to emergence of private seed production, increased income for rural people, assistance for cooperative societies for rural development, supply of necessary inputs to them, technical requirement for development of casting iron and metals, plan to supply technical and raw materials requirements, contact the relevant ministries, and all out efforts for development of rice sector and boosting product-ion of edible oil, needs of Bago Region to try hard to successful undertakings of agricultural tasks based on many opport-unities.
Discharging of State respon-sibility and overcoming various difficulties in cooperation with the people In his speech, the Senior General arrived in Pyay for the first time after taking State responsibilities by the State Administration Council to fulfill the needs of MSME industries. MSME is playing a crucial role in economic development of the State as well as a primary business driver for developing countries. Other developed and developing countries are undertaking MSME industries for many percent. Although MSME industries have been encouraged in the past, outbreak of COVID-19 and political situat-ions hampered the difficulties for development tasks.
We had to assume State duties following electoral fraud in the 2020 election. I had warned even before that election. The then government leaders were urged to postpone the election to protect public health as it was the COVID-19 period, but they didn’t. Insincere acts of the government to get the upper hand over the election before, during and after the election periods resulted in chaotic protests, political conflicts and armed insurgencies. The SAC government is controlling the country in accord with the 2008 constitution. Protests and vio-lence were handled in accord with the law. Meetings were held with the government officials concerned to solve the election problems. But they failed and attempted to grab State power by calling a parliament. There-fore, we had to take over State duties unavoidably. The SAC was formed with military and civilian members in a balanced manner. Consequential political problems resulted from vote rigging, and economic difficulties surfaced due to the COVID-19 crisis. But they were overcome thanks to the coope-rative efforts of the government, the people and the Tatmadaw. Today’s situation has come due to the electoral fraud. So, pre-parations must be made to en-sure a free, fair and systematic election in future.
Political and economic affairs Politics and economy are interrelated. Without sound eco-nomy, the country will lack political stability. Declining eco-nomy can also cause political problems. As we exercise market economy, entrepreneurs must rely on themselves while the government will deal with the policy sector. MSMEs must be encouraged for economic progress. MSMEs must try to progress in Pyay District. Our country has enough paddy, rice and crops. Efforts must be made for national economy growth based on them. There are some businesspeople who evade tax or pay less. The State income depends on revenues collected form the people and trade activities. Foreign ex-change is earned from non-trade activities and it has to be used for national development after drawing budgets.
The need for productivity based on agriculture and livestock and qualified human resources Raw materials, inputs, capital and human resources are required for manufacturing. Productivity is essential for runn-ing businesses. As such, raw materials are essential as well. Our country can has a lot of raw materials from agriculture, livestock and underground and aboveground resources. For agriculture and livestock breed-ing, fertilizers, animal food, fuel, electricity and other inputs.
Waste from the livestock industry could be used as bio-fertilizer for fertilizers necess-ary for agricultural businesses and natural fertilizer could be acquired through planting hemp. Products based on diary items could be manufactured through farming dairy cows systematically. In commodity production based on local items, many products could be manufactured based on livestock farming. The economy will be boosted through not only selling the livestock products regionally but export-ing them.
In producing edible oil, quality edible oil could be manufactured with the use of mod-ern equipment and technology and its waste could be used as animal feed. As the capital is needed for manufacturing businesses, it is necessary to establish the businesses upon the volume of capital on a manageable basis. The Govern-ment will disburse capital loans as much as it can. As the nation’s economy is on a path of recovery, it is necessary to carry out tasks to boost the commodity production industry. The State will help disburse loans if there are difficulties in running businesses.
In carrying out commodity production businesses, effi-ciency and effectiveness in human resources are necessary. According to the census, Bago Region has people who are weak in basic education. Those people could be taught basic skills only. During the period that we are taking the responsibilities, a plan is be-ing implemented to be able to teach livestock farming and technical subjects at basic education high schools and it is aimed to teach such subjects at a school in each district. Only if institutes of agriculture and livestock farming could be opened, will there be efficient and effective human resources for livestock and technical industries. Businesspeople running commodity production enterprises are to conduct on-job training courses as much as they can.
Individual improvement of socio-economic life will help boost regional and national economy It is necessary to be able to manufacture value-added pro-ducts. For availability of markets, it is necessary to hold trade shows and advertise products for awareness of consumers as well. It is necessary to have firm fundamentals in running commodity production enter-prises. For availability of markets, it is necessary to sell pro-ducts in large quantities with a small profit. If the product is the same, the quality is necessary to be better. Operating services are to ensure smooth-ness in operating enterprises. It is necessary to ensure that commodity production indust-ries will be of more benefit. It is to make efforts to achieve successes in agriculture and livestock farming through using land and water that are the good basis. Tasks of pumping water from the Ayeyawady River could be carried out with the use of solar power. Sequential cropping is helpful to earning more income.
If you work truly, there will be practical benefits and that will be helpful to regional and national economic development. It is necessary to ensure that commodity production enter-prises will be successful through using raw materials obtained from agricultural and livestock farming businesses in Pyay District. Doing so will be of help to development of businesses in the region and then to economic development of the nation as well.
Afterwards, the Senior General cordially greeted entre-preneurs of micro, small and medium scale enterprises in Pyay District.
Later, the Senior General viewed exhibits of products including foodstuff, personal goods, industrial items, Myan-mar traditional handicraft items, clothes, and traditional medicines and had queries on availability of markets for the products. Officials briefed on sector-wise enterprises.