So-called PDF terrorists fire heavy weapons into Hsonywa Village in Myingyan Township randomly without reason, killing 32 local residents, causing splinter-injury to 14 others

So-called PDF terrorists fire heavy weapons into Hsonywa Village in Myingyan Township randomly without reason, killing 32 local residents, causing splinter-injury to 14 others

So-called PDF terrorist fired heavy and small weapons into Hsonywa Village, to the east of Hsimegon Village in Myingyan Township randomly this morning, killing a total of 32 people including 17 Men and 15 women and causing splinter-injury to 14 others including five men and nine women by bomb splinters.

So-called PDF terrorists, with the aim of creating fears in remote villages and wards, which are out of limits for reinforcement and supports, commit acts of terror such as firing heavy weapon shots randomly without any reasons, burning houses, schools and religious buildings down and abducting and killing and they fired heavy weapons at the camp of the people’s militia in Hsonywa Village, about 4,000 meters to the east of Hsimegon Village in Myingyan Township from the east and southeast of the village this morning, prompting People’s MIlitia in the village to respond and forcing the terrorists to retreat to the east of the village without taking the camp. During their retreat, they burnt down nearby houses.

As the terrorists’ heavy weapon rounds fell on houses, killing a total of 32 people including 17 men and 15 women and causing splinter-injuries to 14 others including five men and nine women, all of them were living peacefully in the village.

As about 50 houses in the village were destroyed by the terrorist arson attack, members of the security force nearest to the village went to the scene, putting down the fire and to transport the injured to a local defence services hospital in Mandalay for medical treatments.

Security measures are being taken to track down the retreating terrorists.

Thursday, August 22, 2024 - 10:21