Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla pay homage to famous pagodas in Bagan Ancient Cultural Zone

Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla pay homage to famous pagodas in Bagan Ancient Cultural Zone

Nay Pyi Taw May 26

Chairman of State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, accompanied by wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, the entourage, the Mandalay Region chief minister, the Central Command commander and officials, this morning paid homage to famous pagodas in Bagan Ancient Cultural Zone.

Shwesigon Pagoda First, the Senior General and wife and party arrived at Shwesigon Pagoda built by king Anawrahta and Kyansittha and were welcomed by members of the pagoda broad of trustees.

The Senior General and wife paid homage to the pagoda and offered flowers, water, lights to the Buddha Images and donated cash for multiple Officials of the board accepted the donations and presented a Dhamma gift to the Senior General.

The board members reported on offering of gold foils to the pagoda and the ongoing efforts to cover the whole exterior surface of the pagoda with gold foils.

The Senior General attended to their needs. The Senior General and wife and party visited the pagoda clock wise, inspected the conservation of ancient artworks in the pagoda compound. In response to the reports presented by officials, the Senior General said renovation is required as rain water may remain on some places of tile laid surface.  

Myanmar traditional architectural works on terracotta rings that portrayed the 550 jatakas, stone bowl, rest houses, must be maintained and conserved constantly with the help of experts. Systematic plans and sustainability must be taken into account in preserving invaluable ancient artworks. Officials should constantly inspect them and take necessary action in protecting them against natural disasters. The 12-foot tall four bronze standing Buddha Images placed in four chambers in the four directions of the pagoda stand witness to the high standard of ancient artworks, and they have the full features of Bagan period Buddha images and they were carved from inside. Hence, inscriptions about the images must be placed inside the chambers for local and foreign pilgrims to understand their historical value and revered the images.   

Afterwards, the Senior General and party heard a reported on the pagoda digital directory website where famous pagodas, stone inscriptions can be easily found on its pages and future plans, presented by Director General Dr Kyaw Oo Lwin of Department of Archaeology and National Library and officials. The Senior General looked into the requirements.

The Senior General presented cash awards for staff carrying out the work of discovering and preserving ancient heritage in the zone through the director general.

The Senior General and wife and party cordially greeted officials of souvenir shops in the pagoda compound and pilgrims.

Htilo Minlo Pagoda The Senior General and wife and party paid homage to Htilo Minlo Pagoda and offered flowers and water. They then inspected repair and maintenance works in connection with the natural disaster destroyed sections in the interior and exterior parts of the pagoda and paving of a sandstone slab walkway in its compound. In response to the reports presented by officials the Senior General said as pagodas, cetis and temples in the zone are historical monuments and they are priceless national heritage. Hence, preservation and maintenance work should be done in all seriousness. He also attended to the needs.

The Senior General and wife offered gold foils for the Buddha Image in the pagoda and cash donations for multipurpose functions. After accepting the donations officials of the pagoda presented a Dhamma gift.

Shwesigon Pagoda, Ananda Temple, Dhammayangyi Pagoda, Sulamuni Pagoda, Dhammarazaka Pagoda, Hsinbyushiopn complex, Khemingala Pagoda, Thabeikhmauk Pa[1]goda, Htilo Minlo Pagoda, Laymyathna Pagoda, Hsinpaung Brick Monastery, a pagoda near Dhammarazaka Pagoda, Baganhmaw Pagoda, Ywahaunggyi Pagoda, Shwenanyintaw Pagoda were partly inundated due to heavy rains at the zone in NyaungU District, Mandalay Region in May 2023 and caused a slight damage to eight ancient pagodas/structures. Hence, preservation was carried out to maintain the original structures and designs in accord with the guidance given by the Senior General during his inspection tour of the area. Priority has been given to reduce the degree of damage caused by natural disasters in the zone and surrounding areas and to conduct environmental conservation and greening activities.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 - 09:26