SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects repair of ancient lakes in Bagan ancient cultural zone

SAC Chairman Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing inspects repair of ancient lakes in Bagan ancient cultural zone

NAY PYI TAW September 16

Chairman of the State Administration Council Prime Minister Senior General Min Aung Hlaing accompanied by his entourage, the Chief Minister of Mandalay Region, the Chief Minister of Magway Region and officials, this morning, inspected flooding and repair of ancient lakes for prevention of damage in natural disasters in in Bagan ancient cultural zone of Nyaung U District in Mandalay Region.

Emerald Lake

First, the Senior General and party arrived at the emerald lake built by King Kyansittha in Bagan era in 450 ME, 1088 AD. At the briefing hall, Union Minister for Religious Affairs and Culture U Tin Oo Lwin and officials reported to the Senior General on conditions of the dredged lakes and dredging underway for the lakes and no need to dredge the lakes among 91 ancient lakes in Bagan ancient cultural zone, dredging of the lakes with the contribution of well-wishers, flow of water into the designated outlet channel in heavy rains of typhoon Yagi due to necessary maintenance of drains, having 10.71 inches of rainfalls on 11 and 12 September in the zone without causing flooding due to clearing the drains and repair of lakes and flow of rainwater into designated drains and lakes, partial damage of 12 religious buildings in heavy rains and no damage in inundation, accomplishment of the guidance given by the Senior General on his tour of Bagan ancient cultural zone in May 2024 to green Bagan region and ensure proper flow of water, facts about the emerald lake, maintenance for its in successive eras, lesser storage of water at

the emerald lake due to some water leakage and vaporing based on the geophysical survey, and undertaking of necessary maintenance for the lake, and inflow of water to the lake. In his response, the Senior General stressed the need to systematically maintain the emerald lake as it is a historic lake. The Senior General called for carrying out systematic maintenance for water leakage. Emphasis must be placed on ensuring proper flow of water, and the Senior General left necessary guidance.

Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation U Min Thu and officials reported on implementation of Tuyin Hill greening project, arrangements to grow trees to be free from ancient areas for greening Bagan region including Tuyin mountain range, thriving of trees, and growing of manageable tree plantations along both sides of Meiktila-Kyaukpadaung-NyaungU road in monsoon 2024 in Meiktila, Kyaukpadaung and NyaungU townships.

After hearing the reports, the Senior General gave guidance on needs to seek the best ways for having dense forests in addition to applying conventional tree growing techniques to ensure greening of dry regions. The Senior General and party viewed round the emerald lake area and gave necessary guidance to officials.

Zeyawady (Zayaweyi) Lake

On arrival at Zeyawady (Zayaweyi) Lake near East Phwasaw Village, the Senior General heard the report on construction of the silt talks on the water inlet channel by officials and gave instructions on systematic maintenance of the water inlet channel, and strengthening of the lake.

Mingala Lake (3)(Muntein Lake)

At Mingala Lake No 3 (Muntein Lake) near West Phwasaw Village, the Senior General inspected inflow of water to the lake where officials reported on conditions on flow of water into the lake. After hearing the reports, the Senior General underlined that it is necessary to systematically clear the inlet channels to all lakes and along the irrigated area. Trees must be grown to maintain the lakes and reservoirs. As seasonal crop cultivation may reduce inflow of water volume into the lakes, these crops must be located at a set distance to the lake under the disciplines and laws. Storage of water in the lakes can contribute to consumption of locals and greening of Bagan region. As such, it is necessary to continue systematic maintenance of embankments and lakes. Officials are implementing the plans to ensure sustainability of Bagan World Heritage Site, prevent flooding, green the region for attracting travelers and maintain ancient lakes with excavation in accord with the guidance of the Senior General. Moreover, well-wisher people contribute to maintenance of the ancient lakes as perpetual meritorious deeds.



Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 04:59